Date: Sunday, November 12th 2018
Time: 23:00 UTC (12pm local)
Location: 35° 50.28’ S, 174° 28.13’ E (in a slip at Marsden Cove Marina)
Distance to the Whangarei, New Zealand: 0 nm
24 hr. Distance covered: 98 nm
A Day At Sea
By Elizabeth Vawter
Some people haven’t ever been sailing, some have. When you go on your first passage (a 2 or more day sail), it is so cool, exquisite even! But after a while it gets boring, not to mention I get queasy.
I recommend siting up top, near the fresh air. The vessel could be moving side to side, up and down or an unpleasant combination. If you are lucky and, if you have a reel you could pull in a fish or two.
When you come to shore it is quite a relief. I prefer anchoring, I like the pleasant roll, and it is quieter than in a marina. The marina has very calm waves, but the water is usually green and smells like a skunk.
We just arrived in New Zealand and are about to go on an airplane to California. I hope you get a chance to sail someday, it is a great opportunity to see many breathtaking places.
A Note from Mom (11/14/18):
Well, we have arrived! It felt so amazing to see and smell the land as we were getting close. We can’t wait to come back and explore New Zealand, but for now, we are prepping Banyan for some alone time, taking sails off, spraying down and drying anything that saw salt water, emptying the food stores, and generally going through the boat with a fine toothed comb, cleaning, sorting and preparing her to stay in the marina for a few months.
Thanks for following our adventures! We will be heading back to North America for some time with family and dip into a bit of work as well. We will keep you posted on our continued adventures and in the mean time, I will be adding photos to older posts and getting up to date on our One Moment a Day videos. It’s good to be back in the land of WiFi!
This is SV Banyan, CLEAR!

Congratulations on the passage. Well done! I’ve been reading the blog every day.
Where in California are you heading? If you have time, we’d love to see you in the Bay area.
HI!!! So great to see you are keeping up with the blog and we would LOVE to stop in and see you guys. We will be land nomads for a while and I’m sure we will be back in Cali and will have time to swing through. We will keep in touch! xoxo
Opps…welcome home
Welcome to New Zealand!! Haere mai!! We look forward to showing you around the more beautiful island in time. Meanwhile I hope you can enjoy a couple days soaking in the atmosphere before you get on the big silver bird. Every blessing, Jan
How excited were you when you saw land? I bet I would be excited. That passage sounded very interesting. Are you glad that you are coming to visit family and friends? I hope we see you next week!!
Congratulations on completing your passage to New Zealand. Thank you, Isa and Anne for your update! Remember – if you are near Calistoga in Napa Valley, come by and see us at OLPH. Will share your blog with Fr. Angelito.
Land! It must feel wonderful. Congratulations on the passage and I look forward to a quick visit if you’re in Calistoga. Let’s raise a glass to life. I love that the entire family is posting.
Isa, Well-done!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your feelings about cruising. I’m SO proud of you! I may actually get to wish you a “Happy Birthday” next week! Love to ALL, Marianne
Soooo happy your passage to NZ is behind you! (And behind all of US who have been with you every day hanging on every word and waking up in the middle of the night to see your new post!)
Much Love
B & V
Can’t wait to see you all at Christmas!
I’ve been checking email with anticipation for this post!!!! So excited for you all to reach land! Love from the Bakers!
Well Done for all of you, Cheers!! Isa, it’s fun to hear your comments. Sailing would have it’s Challenges!! Isa, so exciting your birthday’s next week. We loved everyone’s blogs, you’re great to keep in touch.
Congrats! Glad you made it!
AWESOME ISA!!!! I miss you very much. I hope we get to see you while you are in CA. Maybe if you see us you can read some of my personal narratives and creative writing. I love you and miss you and hope yo see you soon. What were you for halloween? I was a nerd. You know, the super smart kids at school who wear glasses with tape in the middle? So was Monica. See ya!
Hi Myka, I (Isa) was a Geisha / fancy Japanese woman for Halloween.
Congratulations! I’ve been following you across the pacific and loving your post. Thank you! Especially wonderful to recently hear from all the Banyon crew 😉
I love cruising, the hard times and sweet times, and it’s been a joy to relive my cruising years (circumnavigated) vicariously through your impressive travels. Lessons learned that will fill and shape a life. Savor what you just did .. it took you months to sail to NZ and you’ll fly back in less than 24 hours. So many memories!
When you get back, we have a couple friends in common in St. Helena (Becker family) and Angwin (Perry family). It would be a treat if our paths were to cross during your trip home!
Cheers, Julie
Hi Julie,
That would be wonderful! We’ve just swung through Napa but only for about three days. I’m sure we will be back and I’d love to hook up. We will be in touch via the Perrys.
Congratulations on your amazing journey! It has been so fun to read your posts! So much admiration for you and your gorgeous adventurous family. The girls are amazing like their parents! Hugs and happy Thanksgiving!
Great Job Isa!!!! WOW, next week you will be celebrating another birthday ———– just like Oma and Gramps, we just have a few more years than you do. We look forward to your Christmas visit and hearing more about your adventures. Love to you.
Isa, nice job! Thank you for your thoughts on sailin. Your blog made me feel the motion of the boat. Love you! Nana
Congrats on your safe arrival, Adelaide and Isa, I loved your perspective
from your point of view…I have enjoyed all your wonderful stories at sea.
Enjoy your holidays at home as ..
Great job, Vawters!!! Adelaide and Isa, I loved getting your perspectives at your ages. You girls are very lucky to have the parents you have and the adventures and experiences you’ve shared. I hope everyone has a great holiday season and enjoy your time at your “land” home. Aloha, Gary
By the way, Isa, I feel the same way about anchoring… 🙂
:). I’ll let her know… Great to see your comment Gary! Hope all is well.