May ’19 in One Moment a Day

Due to some technical difficulties, I lost the footage for March and April’s One Moment a Day videos, so we are skipping right into May!

If you’ve read our last post, European Tour Part 1, then you are familiar with most of what is in this video.  With Cameron being in New York on business the girls and I joined him and did a fast and furious visit of the Big Apple.  France was next on the list as we had an obligation there in early June.  So, we headed there early, toured around Paris for a few days and then settled into a house sitting opportunity in the Vosges mountains about a 4-hour drive east of Paris.  When that was all done we headed off to Brittany and met up with Cameron’s parents for some fun learning about early human civilization and the standing stone formations around Carnac. Then we headed north to Antrain, also in Brittany, and checked out Mont St. Michelle and St. Malo – all while consuming LOTS of seafood.

If you are curious about the song, know that it was written originally by my sister Karen Minton with her own lyrics about “livin’ in this little house with you”. She encouraged me to come up with lyrics having to do with our time on the boat, which is what I did.  Karen is a prolific songwriter.  She inspired the last song which I wrote and sang with the January video and she wrote and sang the song in our February video.  In addition to being an amazing mom, she is in a band, she is a wonderful painter, a portrait photographer, and a logo/graphic designer.  You can find her work on her website

I hope you enjoy!



  1. Lucy Riley says:

    Oh my….so love the song and the visual adventure that goes with it. Thank you for sharing snippets of your travels. Stay happy and healthy.

    God bless,
    Lucy in Oliver

  2. Liz says:

    Fantastic! Jason’s heritage is Normande, so we’ve trekked some of those same areas of France together: tractors on the beach, mussel fields, St Malo (I have a friend there) and Mont St Michel.

    Love the music too! Maddie and Paloma just did a two-day singer/songwriter camp right here in CB. Happens every year mid-June. They wrote an awesome song about the beach called “Don’t feed the seagulls” and recorded it!

    Big hug!

  3. Joan M Schumann says:

    I googled your sister Karen’s work it is wonderful. All I can say is that you and your sister are incredibly talented.
    I am not leaving out Cameron and the girls, you are all amazing….
    Have fun on your journey..

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