Instead of monthly videos while down in Fiordland, I did a dedicated Fiordland video. The girls narrated it for me and Isa did some of the videos. If it looks like a drone shot, that's Isa's work.
All is well in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Wet and a wee bit cold it may be, but we are happily working on boat projects, exploring more of New Zealand and taking care of the daily needs of our little family.
April in One Moment a Day is here. This might be called the Lockdown Video… There was lots of maintenance in April. There was also baking, walks, and Easter celebrations.
Hi Guys, February in New Zealand was full of boat projects and homeschool. It looks like that might be a repetitive theme for a bit. We are loving living in our little boat together.
January was our last month in North America and saw our arrival in New Zealand. There was a little running around with a business meeting in Texas, wine work in California, and I was able to squeeze in one last visit with Oma. This was especially precious for me. At the age of 101, Oma …
Back in November of 2018 when we were pulling into New Zealand after an amazing six months exploring Oceana, Cameron and I were called back to Canada to a client. We didn’t know when that work would wrap up. We also knew that we wanted to be in France for the D-Day celebrations with our …
Getting back into land life has involved some challenges and also some really lovely benefits. We’ve been enjoying the ability to reconnect with friends, to ride horses and to get some work done.