Happy All Saints Day!
I hope you enjoy our 1 Second a Day video for October. I’ve made a little adjustment so hopefully it is a bit easier to veiw than the video from September.
Happy All Saints Day!
I hope you enjoy our 1 Second a Day video for October. I’ve made a little adjustment so hopefully it is a bit easier to veiw than the video from September.
Always love reading of your adventures. Thought of all of you and your friends during the devastating fires in Napa Valley. Looking forward to the next adventure.
Thanks, Joyce!
Great movie…miss you guys
Thanks, Dwayne!
Great. Well done. Look forward to some still pictures at Christmas of the new winery under construction so we can compare to what we saw one year ago during harvest!
Hey Doug,
They are getting so much done so fast. It really is amazing watching it go up. It is exciting watching conversations turn into cement!
Super little “video peek” of life on the run with the C. & A. Vawters.
Got your scene intervals just right….tho Pete Michaels will have to weigh in to be sure.
Yur move, Pedro.
I’m glad it was easier to watch this time:) SO much fun to do these little snapshots and so fast and easy to put it together.
Sweet, mostly…sad about the fires…Cheers!
Hey Tom,
Yup, really sad. I hope you made it through safe and sound.
Wonderful peek into your adventures! So glad to see Isa playing the violin and Adelaide sewing. Love the Halloween makeup. It looks so professional. Love you, Nana
Thanks, Dad
Love You!
That was great captured it all.
Your videos and blogs are always fun and very educational
Thanks, Joanie!