Check out our YouTube page and watch a few clips from our trip down the Pacific Coast of Mexico with the BajaHaHa. See some fun moments that we are excited to share. The gift of the HaHa just keeps on giving! Thanks HandBrake for the great video compression software! Happy Sails!
Tag: BajaHaHa
Giving Thanks at Sea
Well the family on SV Banyan has been out of cell service and internet range for a while. I’m getting a little bit twitchy! Since we last did an update on our adventure we have moved north. We took off from Cabo San Lucas on the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula. We curled around …
Well that was fun… We had heard several things about the BajaHaHa before we joined in. We’d heard that it was a drunk fest/moving party. We had heard that no one actually knew how to sail or anchor. We heard that it was all retired types and not many families. So WHY did we join …
Bien Venidos!
We made it! This is the view this morning. We pulled into the anchorage in the harbor of Cabo San Lucas about 12pm last night. I will be working up a full report as well as a short video of our adventure down the Pacific coast of the Baja peninsula with the BajaHaHa over …