All is well in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Wet and a wee bit cold it may be, but we are happily working on boat projects, exploring more of New Zealand and taking care of the daily needs of our little family.
Tag: update
New Zealand Cruising Begins!
Turns out all of our solar panels are blown, the charger needed replacing (or did it...), our engine starter battery is done, the dinghy is in need of some patching and there are about 50 other little things that need doing .
Leaving La Barca
This whole RV thing is hilarious. To be honest, I’ve had a little bit of a difficult time embracing the RV lifestyle. There is something not very graceful about pulling into an RV park that stands in stark contrast to dropping the hook in a secluded anchorage. But hey, we are getting used to the …
Mulegé and More
Our time between the secluded bay of San Juanico and the little mining town of Santa Rosalia was just as it should be. No unpleasant surprises, perfect temperatures, lots of animal sightings and good times with good friends. When last I shared an update, Banyan was sitting high in the water, light from lack of …
Sailing the Sea
Oh, the Sea of Cortez! We haven’t spent tons of time in the Sea of Cortez. In 2015 we only made it up to San Evaristo, a small bay about 1/4 of the way up the sea on the Baja peninsula. It was just after Thanksgiving, it was BLOWING a “screaming blue norther” and really …
Heading North
Summers in Mexico on a boat are typically hot and windless unless you get visited by a hurricane or the evening corumel winds that howell across the baja into the sea at night. For this reason, cruisers either go way up north up into the Sea of Cortez to haul out, South toward Panama or …
Vawters in the Valley
Boat Life = Pause Wine Life = Play Wait what? So there are lots of questions but the main idea is: Cameron and I have put Banyan up on the hard in Mexico and have made our way up to the norther extremities of the Sonoran Desert, the hottest place in…yup, you guessed it, Canada. …
Happy Anniversary!
On February 28th, 2015 Cameron, the girls and I all moved from our lovely home, Blossom Creek Farm, up in Calistoga, to our lovely home, SV Banyan. Happy Cruisversary to us! Lots of cruisers, some of whom we have met, entered the cruising life only to realize that it wasn’t really their cup of tea. …
Eating Like a Native
When in Rome We are pretty conservative with our cruising kitty. Most areas of our budget are fairly fixed, but the food budget is one that we have the largest control over. To that end we figure that by eating as much like a Mexican as possible, we will not only learn a lot about …
Happy New Year!
Well we are ringing in the New Year on the mainland of Pacific Mexico. It’s hot, humid, lush and dreamy. Everything we were looking for when we left Baja California! After a nice brisk overnight sail from Los Muertos on the Baja Peninsula, we stopped in at Isla Isabella. This is an amazing island – …