Day 8 Date: Friday, April 20th, 2018 Time: 17:00 UTC Location: 10° 08.1’N 117° 14.1′ W COG: 226° T SOG: 6.0 knots 24 hour distance traveled: 91 nm Distance to the Marquesas: 1775 nm
This is Cameron again; Annie’s feeling a little queasy so she’s back on the Bonine and resting in the cockpit. We’ve had a pretty rough 24 hours with lots of squalls and rain. The squalls seem to come on every night around sunset and then it blows like stink (20-35kts) until about 2am when it completely dies. We covered about 110 nm in the last 24 hours but really only 91 in the direction we wanted to go. Oh well! Today started off quiet but has picked up as there’s a nice high pressure north of us that is kicking the trade winds into high gear, hopefully these will sustain through the next couple days. The girls spent about ½ an hour on the SSB earlier talking to the kids on Luminesce, they are about 42 miles north east of us. We also received word from SV Shawnigan that they just departed the Galapagos and are on their way to the Marquesas. There are another 6 kid boats that departed with them, all bound for the Marquesas. Believe it or not, their passage is also just less than 3,000 miles, similar to our passage. They should arrive in mid-May, about a week after we arrive. Maintenance is forever ongoing. Yesterday the holding tank pump stopped working and needed a rebuild. I found a plastic flosser/toothpick inside. We had a moment when our bathroom cupboard emptied in the bathroom during a large swell and I’m thinking it went in at that time. Today while reefing we found a broken clevis pin on one of our mainsail lugs that goes into our Tides Marine Strong track, luckily we noticed it before the lug fell out and headed for Davey Jone’s locker. We also snapped a control line on our mainsheet traveler; I had been watching the chafe so wasn’t exactly sure when it would go. At the top of the list is to install the Nav. Station fan that I bought in 2015. Its’ funny how fast that moved up the list as we approach the equator and it gets hot!!!!! That’s it for today. Thinking of you all! Take care and enjoy your beds that aren’t attached to bucking broncos.
Prayers for calm stomachs for you all! Ours temps are FINALLY warming up and I am so thankful the children can get outside.
wow! sounds like an eventful few days! Praying the seas calm and that maintenance issues keep themselves conveniently spaced out.
Thanks for the updates, Cam. Hope Annie feels better soon. Are you seeing any sealife? Bird’s still on deck?
Hoping the swell and winds lay down soon
Extra prayers for Anne tonight!! xoxo
Praying over your guys. May the trades bring you smooth sailing… and call tummies.
Thinking of you all and sending energy for smoother seas and dreamy sailing winds! xoxoxo
Ouch, Anne!!! Hope you feel better!!