Watch our exploration of one of New Zealand's more remote Islands. We loved Stewart. It was wild and beautiful with lots of hiking and fishing. Enjoy!
Tag: one moment a day
November & December in One Moment a Day
...for a peek into the upcoming post you can see our trip up the east coast of the North Island, around the tippy top, and down the west coast.
July to October in One Moment a Day
Enjoy watching our last few lovely months here in New Zealand!
An Unexpected Winter ~ New Zealand
All is well in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Wet and a wee bit cold it may be, but we are happily working on boat projects, exploring more of New Zealand and taking care of the daily needs of our little family.
April 2020 in One Moment a Day
April in One Moment a Day is here. This might be called the Lockdown Video… There was lots of maintenance in April. There was also baking, walks, and Easter celebrations.
February in One Moment a Day
Hi Guys, February in New Zealand was full of boat projects and homeschool. It looks like that might be a repetitive theme for a bit. We are loving living in our little boat together.
January 2020 in One Moment a Day
January was our last month in North America and saw our arrival in New Zealand. There was a little running around with a business meeting in Texas, wine work in California, and I was able to squeeze in one last visit with Oma. This was especially precious for me. At the age of 101, Oma …
December in One Moment a Day
December was pretty awesome. We didn’t know at the beginning of 2018 that we would be able to be back with family for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and boy was I glad that we were. We headed up to help a client and we jumped back into the rat race a bit, but we also got …